Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fall Updates

This  summer I have been to Paris and back, and haven't updated this blog,  not because I haven't experienced anything new and worth mentioning while there, but because time has been slipping through my fingers. Or, I have been slipping through time without the blog being a priority. After all, originally it was an attempt to stay connected to my former home, and to keep my American traveling friends, their friends, and often total strangers informed on what to do and where to go when visiting Paris.  I think the time which has elapsed since I  moved to the U.S has made me slightly indifferent. Eeek! Loin des yeux loin du cœur as the French say, which translated to English reads; out of sight out of mind. I have become jaded, perhaps too Americanized, or just too busy to care. Whatever the reason, I am having trouble keeping up with this. I hope I can at least try to updated it purely as an exercise in writing...

On a more positive note, I have maintained many old relationships, and even fostered new ones, so that my one foot is still in Paris, even if I don't always write about it. As a perpetual expat, my heart is always incomplete and elsewhere. No place is perfect, as every place has its pros and cons. But Paris still took my breath away this time, and I know I will keep at least one foot there forever.