Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Jean-Paul Gaultier has always blown me away and I want to stress that it is not a bloated statement of ass kissing of some sort.
An architecht of clothing, he makes of a dress a perfect construction of poetry, imagination and shape.
I always went to his shows, especially the Couture ones, as if I were going to the theater. When I learned that he has also assembled costumes for over 18 ballets choreographed by Régine Chopinot between 1983 and 1994, I wasn't surprised one bit. In my eyes he has long mastered the art of the spectacle and motion.

This year marks a round 30 years of a spectacular career, and symbolically the dance costumes JPG built are about to leave the Centre chorégraphique de La Rochelle for the famous Parisian musée de la Mode et du Textile to star in their own show, an homage to the creative collaboration between the designer and the choreographer. As a little treat the expo will also feature a few Haute Couture pieces

March 22 - September 23, 2007

Les Arts Décoratifs: 107, rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris - tél. : 01 44 55 57 50


Sunday, February 25, 2007


Who am I writing for?

On average about 30 of you tune in to the blog on daily basis, but I reckon half of you end up here by accident.
The question has irked me suddenly.
Ultimately, I assume that like most bloggers, I write for myself.
Writing is an act of ego and I might as well admit it.
Thereby, it is safe to say that I use its energy to keep my love and respect for the city going and if by coincidence you get any pleasure or help out of it, then all the better.

Vive Paris! Vive l'égocentricité!

Saturday, February 24, 2007


As much as I admire the coquette spirit of Chantal Thomas, I must say that the French, including her, are not exempt from occasional episodes of le mauvais gout. This said, the queen of lingerie and the brand Vedette, have teamed up to create this monster of tastelessness: a Chantal Thomas washing machine in Swarovski crystal embellished pink satin. Thankfully this mistake was only made in limited edition. It appears to be a form of temporary insanity on the designer's part, and will hopefully slip into the shadow of oblivion without further ado.



Saturday, February 17, 2007


Why sleep in a hotel when you can have your own peniche, houseboat, moored on the Seine river?
I am not talking about the commercial giants that serve for hostig dinners, or party rentals, but about private floating residences. The Seine is a popular place for soirées, tourist trips, concerts but is also home to many. There is even a special police squad that guards the river and its inhabitants. I've heard many stories of people who chose to sell their Parisian apartments or homes and purchase boats to live in, with all it may entail. But if you just want the experience, without the commitment, you can rent one over the weekend, vacation trip, or if it rocks your boat, even a long term rental. It's absolutely unforgettable to just croll out of your cabin and have breakfast while basking in the sun, admiring Notre Dame or the
many Bridges of the City.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Ah! Valentine's day, one of the most commercial holidays of all, void of romanticism, which to me embodies surprise, spontaneity and will, not an obligation! In any case, it's a reminder that we should all be hopeless romantics, at least once a year, and ushers us to buy and give, or to feel miserable if there is no one on the receiving end. This ritual has the French business and restaurant owners grinning, because since a few years the holiday has gained popularity in Gaulle country as well!

Thankfully, mayor Bertrand Delanoë has established a very poetic way to mark the occasion, so now there is more than just predictable candle lit dinners, chocolate covered strawberries and senseless consumerism. The Parisian town hall allocates the use of the city's 170 luminous announcement boards across the 20 districts, to love!
The panels, generally used for mundane city information, carry words of tenderness, from declarations of infatuation to marriage proposals.

You can deposit your message from the beginning of February onwards on the www.paris.fr website, and since love has been modernized this year you can also send in a 30-second video messages and tell the entire city how you really feel!

Great tactic for getting Paris in the mood for love

Monday, February 12, 2007


La chambre claire
Penn, Avedon, Cartier Bresson, Betina Rheims they are all there in black and white, color, English, and French, large and pocket editions...
If photography, information and aesthetics rock your boat then don't pass this address. Mais attention, the English editions are twice as expensive as what you'll find in the US, focus your eye on the French stuff and you'll be getting a bargain!

14 rue St Suplice, 75006
Mon 2-7/ Tue-Fri 10-7

For equipment take a stroll down Bd Beaumarchais towards Place de la Republique,
it is known for its many professional photography shops and even refered to as le boulevard des photographes
Metro: Bastille

Fondation Cartier Bresson
An homage to the man who brilliantly captured the true face of an era and caught
moments of spontaneity effortlessly. Expos, conferences, and more, this place is a must for an aspiring shooter.

2 Impasse Lebouis, Paris 75014
Metro: Gaité
Tél: 56 80 27 00

Musée de La Publicite
For an eye ball masturbation session check out the terribly cool collection of images from the beginning of the century up until this very day, on display at the Parisian museum of advertisement.

107 rue de Rivoli
, 75001 Paris

Métro: Palais Royal
Tél: 01 44 55 57 50


Saturday, February 3, 2007


I love these postcard images of Paris, they are proof of a cliché ridden reality, but also evoke memories of that wonderfully fantastic world of Amelie Poulin!

ParisDailyPhoto: Again and again

Thursday, February 1, 2007


This is a very unlikely encounter and yet here it is!
The middle-American giant's limited edition Proenza Schouler collection will be featured at the Parisian über-chic boutique Colette in just a few days, and as usual with Colette, for just a few days. To be more precise, this lightly priced collection €10 - €108 will be available from February 19 - march 3 2007.
For those on the American side of the pond, shock aside, this is not as big of a deal as it is for the Frenchies, who know nothing of either Target or Proenza.
Americans can enjoy the collection online for 90 days starting Februay 1st!

Good job Target!
